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We gather at Eltham URC to worship God and to meet with one another. The life of the church revolves around Sunday worship; our minister leads the service about twice a month and other services are led by our elders or by visiting friends. Baptisms, weddings and funerals, of course, also occur in the church. We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month as well as Easter Sunday.


As members of the United Reformed Church, we subscribe to the URC's Statement of the Nature, Faith and Order of the United Reformed Church, which can be read here.


We pray that everything we do at Eltham URC is guided by the Spirit of Truth. We hear from a wide selection of speakers from many traditions and our doors are open to all. There is a healthy variety of views and tolerance of different points of view in our congregation. Our halls are used by many community groups and we welcome the furtherance of music, arts, culture and education on our premises.


As churches face a crisis of membership and vitality we hope that as part of the dissenting tradition and following the example of Jesus' love we can forge a Christian church and community for the 21st century.

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